A life of honest, brave leadership
By Dr. Lynn Stucky
Texas State Representative
When you grow up on a family farm, you learn a lot of hard lessons very quickly. The school of hard knocks is always in session. Brutal winters. Scorching summers. No days off. There is always work to be done and you have to think critically to solve the problems of the day.
The same goes for being an elected official. Since I took office, I have met challenges in Austin and at home in the district. I have fought difficult policy battles, leaning on my experience, my education, and the desires of my constituents to provide solutions.
It’s what President Theodore Roosevelt described as “the strenuous life.”
“Let us therefore boldly face the life of strife, resolute to do our duty well and manfully; resolute to uphold righteousness by deed and by word; resolute to be both honest and brave, to serve high ideals, yet to use practical methods.”
Oath of Office
Texas State Rep. Lynn Stucky swears his oath of office on the family bible in the Texas House of Representatives on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.
Roosevelt – whose Rough Riders made a name for themselves in Texas – was always charging toward the problems of the day, demanding bold action and solutions. I have strived to follow that same path as a Texas State Representative.
The record of accomplishment speaks for itself: historic funding for border security, record property tax relief and reform, making Texas a 2nd Amendment sanctuary state and passing Constitutional Carry, co-authoring the strongest pro-life bills in the country, and fighting to protect religious freedom. I have fought for and successfully delivered on all of these priorities for my constituents.
And yet, there are some who claim that Conservatism is eroding in Austin. There are lies and bad information being fed to patriots to corrupt their view of our great state. They are claiming that the legislative session is already a complete loss.
President George Washington warned against these bad actors in his farewell address, stating “there will always be reason to distrust the patriotism of those who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its bands.”
The same voices lying about the legislative process are using the hard-won victories of me and my colleagues to bolster their attacks against us. They are building scorecards that discount the real victories in order to fund opponents. Those keeping score ignore the real work in favor of procedural half-truths or outright falsehoods.
To my constituents, I promise to continue to be honest in my efforts to serve you. I will be honest in recounting the legislative process. I will serve our shared ideals while using practical methods to achieve our goals.
I do not shrink from the strenuous life. Those who wish to engage need only contact my office to schedule a meeting. I’ll meet you in the district when possible. I’ll meet you in Austin when my committee and floor duties do not take precedence. To schedule a meeting, call 512-463-0582 or email Lynn.Stucky@house.texas.gov.
To get regular updates on legislative action, sign up for my newsletter at LynnStucky.com. It is my honor to serve. I will continue to be of service to all my constituents in Denton and Wise Counties.