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DCRP Precinct Chair Judy Adams
Wise Co. Sheriff Lane Akin & Kay Akin
Dr. Joe Ables
Krista Ackerman
Rick & Margaret Adamson
Scott & Dawn Alagood
Jack Alexander
Betty Alford
Eddie Allen
Dalton Allen
Carl & Cindy Anderson
Chance & Kelsi Bannahan
Bob Barger
Laynette Barnard
Merleen Battaglia
Michael & Cresha Beattie
Jay & Julia Beavers
Tammera Beckham
Al & Sue Belanger
Guy Bent
Robert C. Bess, Ph.D.
Jack Biggerstaff
Brandi Bird
Bob Bland
DCRP Precinct Chair Brandy Bobbitt
Paula Bond
Michael Boyd
Constable Doug Boydston
Jim & Dana Bridges
Greg Bristow
Tina & Kevin Bryant
State Representative Ben Bumgarner
Wise Co. Commissioner Kevin Burns & Gina Burns
Tammy Burton
George & Linda Campbell
Lloyd Campbell
Paul Cardarella
Glenn & Karen Carlton
Cheryl Carr
Jim Carter
Duane Chance
Craig Charney
John Chorba
Daniel, Chrissie, & Samantha Clanton
City of Justin Mayor James Clark
Hickory Creek Mayor Lynn Clark & Bob Clark
Cheryl & Kim Clarke
Malea Clarke
Ron Clarke
Don Cole
Connie & Steve Coleman
Fmr. Denton County Commissioner Hugh Coleman & Bernadette Coleman
Tamera Collins
Paula Couch
DCRP Precinct Chair Jason Cravey
Ray & Susan Croff
David & Elyse Curtsinger
Kent & Christy Curtsinger
Miller & Ethel Davidge
Captain Jeff Davis
Jerry Dawson
DCRP Precinct Chair Britt Dean
Charly Sue Delorbe
Abagail Deussen
Tom Dickens
Earl Dobson
Mike & Treva Donnely
Scott Doores
Bill & Eva Draper
Lindy & Lyle Dresher
Denton County Judge Andy Eads
Denton County Commissioner Dianne Edmondson & Bob Edmondson
Phill Elmore
Jim & Sharon Estill
Jack Eustace
Dave & Sally Everly
Jerry Falbo
Denton County Commissioner Kevin Falconer
Jim Fikes & Carol Free
Jeremy & Hilary Finch
Brock & Laura Fischer
Lloyd Fitzpatrick
2024 Endorsements
Constable Danny Fletcher & Andi Fletcher
Tim Fogarty
Chris Forbis
Tom & Valerie Foster
Strike Franklin
Lionel Garcia
Rachel E. Gasperson
Jennifer Gibbs
Pam Gibbs
Amanda Gibson
DCRP Precinct Chair Bob Gorton
David & K'Lynn Grant, DVM
Ted & Cristy Grinnell
Debra Habern
Tony & Angela Hager
Anita Hale
David & Caroline Hamm
Constable Johnny Hammons & Shelley Hammons
Larry & Cathy Hampton
Anna Hand
DCRP Precinct Chair John Haughton
State Representative Richard Hayes
Debbie Henry
Linda Hetterley
Timothy Heup
Jeff & Kathy Higgs
Kope Hillary
Denton Co. Sheriff Captain Orlando Hinojosa
Kim & Ricky Hornbuckle
Paula House
Fmr. DCRP Chair Jayne Howell &
Former Police Chief Lee Howell
Gerard & Diane Hudspeth
Harris & Cheryl Hughey
Shirley Hulcher
Chief Deputy Sheriff Craig Johnson & Shannon Johnson
Retired Police Chief Gary Johnson
Greg & Leah Johnson
Pam Johnson
Steven Johnson
Ted Johnson
Karen & Ronny Jones
Pete Kamp
Brad Kearney
Amanda Kennedy
Ralph & Nanci Kimmey
James & Melinda King
Jeff King
Sherie Klauer
Kevin & Jean Klughart
Steve & Trina Knight
Terry & Dixie Knight
Andy Lawson
Dick Leurig
Jim & Pat Linden
Stan & Carianne Lovelace
Jean Lowe
Suzanne Lynskey
Arda Madeley
Jim Malone
Dev & Jasmin Mandava, DVM
Chris & Dr. Jim Mann
Van Maples
DCRP Precinct Chair Kellie Mason & Perry Mason
Monte Mason
Stephen McClintic
Sandra McClintic
James & Dedra McDonald
Keith McEntire
DCRP Precinct Chair Lisa McEntire
Kevin S. McKinney
Tim McNair
Al McNatt
Oak Point Mayor Dena Meek
Gene Meier
Kevin & Sandra Miller
Denton Co. Commissioner Bobbie Mitchell
DCRP Precinct Chair Bryan Moyers
Sanger Mayor Thomas Muir
Larry Murphree
Denton Co. Sheriff Tracy Murphree & Stacy Murphree
Kay Myers
Marilyn Newland
Stan Nicholson
Kent Noell
NFL Pro-Bowler Jay Novacek
Chance Overton
Bryce & Jane Overturf
State Representative Jared Patterson
Brittany Pierce
Betty Pryor
Tom Pryor
Teri Purcell
James & Sara Ramos
Javier Ramos
Sarah Ray
Acie Raymond
Cliff & Charlotte Reding
Alvin Reed
Dick Remski
David Rettig
Jack Richardson
Linda Riley
Jimmy & Donna Robinson
Susan Romigh
Seth Rosser
Benny & Barbara Russell
Scott Sackett
Heather Sackett
Priscilla Sanders
Becky Sanders
Priscilla Sanders
Deborah Sayre
Tim & Amie Schoendorf
Robert Seay
Eric & Elizabeth Seymour
Suzanne Sharpe
Cindy Sheddy
Jud & Pat Sherman
Robert & Bette Sherman
Jared & Kelsey Shover
Bridgeport Mayor Randy Singleton & Judy Singleton
Gretchen Sloan
DCRP Precinct Chair Cathy Smith
Pat & Jana Smith
John & Dorothy Smith
Chris Spicer
Jim & Liz Spoonts
Jewell & Denny Sprabary
Jeff & Michelle Springer
Ed Strate
Earl & Connie Swain
Kraig Tatro
Emily & John Taylor
Larry Terrill
Stacy Test
State Representative Kronda Thimesch
Chris Trail
Jan Utzman
Becky Vawter
Mark & Mary Beth Vennerholm
Dr. Peter & Jan Walling
Wade Watson
Brad & Jennifer Watts
Paula Weeks
Erin Welch
John Welch
Dick & Carol Welday
Runaway Bay Mayor Berry White Sr. & Linda White
Donald & Sandra White
Deputy Sheriff Roger White & Diane White
James White
Jeff & Laurie Wiginton
Susan Willenbrock
Denton County Commissioner Ryan Williams
Harry Williams
Ben & Lori Wilson
Robert Windle
Summer Wise
DCRP Precinct Chair Glenn Woodard & Suzann Woodard
Randall Woodruff
Scott C. Wright
DCRP Precinct Chair Peggy Zilinsky