Have you been receiving political hit pieces in your mailbox attacking Dr. Stucky?
For some voters, these attacks seem too wrong to be true. Others don’t have the time to research the misinformation sent to their mailboxes. Below, Dr. Stucky responds to these attacks and provides credible sources as opposed to these attacks bought-and-paid for by the MegaDonors supporting Andy Hopper.
Don’t be fooled. Andy Hopper is hiding behind these donors and claiming his campaign is not behind the attacks. In reality, the same donors are funding the attacks to support their waterboy and to tear down Dr. Stucky’s proven record of Conservative Leadership.
Andy Hopper has spent more than a year recruiting supporters to serve in the Wise County Republican Party’s County Executive Committee. Those supporters on the CEC voted on a resolution calling for the Republican Party of Texas to censure Dr. Stucky under Rule 44 of the party’s bylaws. The same group censured Governor Greg Abbott in 2022.
The SREC resolutions committee voted against advancing the resolution, meaning the resolution was never officially adopted by the Republican Party of Texas. You can read more about Dr. Stucky’s response to this failed censure attempt here.
Committee Chair assignments are given out by the presiding officers of each chamber in the Texas Legislature, as stated in each chambers’ rules. Both the House Speaker and the Lt. Gov. are responsible for selecting committee chairmen. Both have historically appointed at least one Democrat committee chair.
It is completely false to claim that Dr. Stucky voted to appoint Democrat chairs, just like it is false to claim that any Senator voted to appoint Democrat committee chairs in the Senate.
Even RPT Chair Matt Rinaldi declared victory when the assignment were released after there was a reduction in the total number of Democrat chairs in each chamber.
Why does Texas have Democrat chairs? Because we don’t want to replicate the failures in Washington, D.C., where there are no minority party chairs. Dr. Stucky passed 17 policy priorities in 2023; all 435 members of Congresss passed 34.
Dr. Stucky has remained on the priority Appropriations Committee to oversee the budget-writing process. He has also been a Vice Chair for the past three sessions.
What role does a Vice Chair play? Committees with Democrat chairs have Republican majorities, where the Vice Chair controls the flow of legislation. This ensures that Republican priorities cannot be blocked by Democrat committee chairs.
How do we get rid of Democrat Committee chairs? We need a Republican supermajority in the Texas House (101 members) to ensure no Republican priorities can be blocked. The closest we have come in Dr. Stucky’s tenure was 95 Republican House members during his freshman term in 2017.
Note: It takes 100 votes to pass a Constitutional Proposition, like the property tax relief package approved in November 2023 and the ban on a state income tax in 2021. Without a supermajority, Democrats are able to block this legislation or break quorum to disrupt the legislative process.
THE LIE: Why is Lynn Stucky helping Joe Biden bring gun control to Texas?
In reality, Dr. Lynn Stucky is the only NRA-endorsed candidate in the race for House District 64. That is because Dr. Stucky has defended our 2nd Amendment rights and delivered huge policies to back it up, including:
-Constitutional Carry
-Banning local governments from closing gun stores during an emergency declaration
-Designated Texas a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State
-Authorized Churches to provide protection against attackers
Started the Lie: Texas Gun Rights
Source of the Lie: Texas Gun Rights
Funding the Lie: Unknown dark money due to 501(c)4 status
The LIE: Lynn Stucky voted with the Democrats to grow the budget & takes food off of Your Child’ Table with higher taxes.
The NEW LIE: Lynn Stucky voted against giving Texans $8 billion in property tax relief.
FACT: Republicans, including Conservative leaders Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Gov. Greg Abbott, have more control than the Democrats over the final state budget. This group is trying to misinform voters and erase the $18 billion property tax relief package Dr. Stucky co-authored and helped pass in 2023.
FACT: Since Dr. Stucky was elected, he has successfully increased homestead exemptions from $25,000 to $100,000. He’s also delivered important transparency and accountability measures into law to help property owners.
FACT: In 2021, Dr. Stucky passed a law that lowered school taxes for seniors every time the legislature delivers property tax compression. That means seniors will see their frozen tax rate decrease as the legislature continues to pass on surplus dollars to taxpayers.
A recent text message to voters claims Dr. Stucky supported an effort to honor a pro-LGBTQ+ organization with a resolution. This is FALSE. Dr. Stucky voted against the resolution (see the record vote for HR 155 in the House Journal).
Another attack via mail claimed Dr. Stucky supported a different resolution on the same issue. That resolution was taken down by the author. (see it here on Texas Legislature Online.)
The false claims about Dr. Stucky supporting these resolutions is tied to him serving on the Resolutions Committee. This committee sets a calendar for the House to vote on resolutions. Dr. Stucky never supported the resolution and voted against it when it came to the floor.
Started the Lie: Texas Family Project
Funded the Lie: Unknown dark money
A recent mail piece attacked Dr. Stucky, claiming he supported Democrats to support Muslim holidays. Our Constitution protects the freedom of religion, including in the Texas Legislature where members filed resolutions to honor a number of holidays, organizations, and individuals.
A mailpiece lied about Dr. Stucky voting to increase his pension. HB 438 was a bill to increase the pension for judges. The bill, which passed in the House and Senate, expressly prohibited lawmakers from receiving a pay raise under the law. It limited the increase to judges.
Click here to read more about Dr. Stucky’s response to this attack.
FACT: A Texas state representative salary is $600 per month.
Andy Hopper has accepted more than $155,000 from the SuperPAC formerly known as Defend Texas Liberty and now called Texans United for a Conservative Majority. The PAC changed its name after its leader was caught hosting a 6-hour meeting with a known Nazi sympathizer.
Andy Hopper is lying when he says he is not behind the political attacks filling up voters’ mailboxes.
FACT: Andy Hopper has taken more than $155,000 over the past two campaigns from a single source (that had to change its name after hosting a 6-hour meeting with a neo-Nazi sympathizer.)
FACT: The organizations funding these attacks are using dark money to hide the source from voters despite direct connections online to the MegaDonors who have attacked Dr. Stucky in every Republican primary in which he has had an opponent.
FACT: These West Texas-based MegaDonors fund fake news sites that give fake awards to Conservatives who carry their water while abandoning their constituents.
FACT: These fake news organizations have given an A rating to “Conservatives” who have:
-Been expelled from the legislature after supplying his 19-year-old intern with alcohol and then preying upon her sexually. (Bryan Slaton, HD-2)
-Confessed to a judge that he sleeps naked with his daughters as a “treat” for good behavior. The judge revoked his parental rights and issued a restraining order (Kyle Biedermann, HD-73, now running for HD 19)
-Hosted a 6-hour meeting with a neo-Nazi sympathizer and once said there is no such thing as rape in marriage (Jonathan Stickland, HD-92).
FACT: Andy Hopper has the endorsement of these and other so-called “Conservatives” with questionable morals and has touted folks like Stickland and Slaton as the “true Conservatives” in the Republican Party of Texas.
Rep. Kronda Thimesch:
Dark Money Interests Lied About Me and Other Candidates
Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Who’s behind anti-Muslim campaign mailers targeting these North Texas state House races?
Yahoo!News: Deceptive mailer takes aim at local reps
The Texas Voice: GOP Officials Condemn Anti-Muslim Ad Campaign
Longview News-Journal: Political vengeance reveals character