Rep. Lynn Stucky files bill to support Wise County historic preservation

AUSTIN — Texas State Representative Lynn Stucky has filed House Bill 1034 to give Wise County the authority to support historic preservation and tourism without expanding the local property tax burden. The bill seeks to add Wise County to a long list of more than 50 other counties that currently have HOT Fund Authority.


"I want to thank Representative Lynn Stucky for being our partner and supporting the important mission of preserving our county courthouse for future generations," Wise County Judge J.D. Clark said. "More important, having this HOT Fund Authority will ensure we continue to find opportunities to reduce property taxes. Wise County has worked diligently to create opportunities for visitor-heavy events to be successful, and a countywide hotel occupancy tax would allow us to take that to the next level."


Rep. Stucky has previously been successful in helping his constituents access this important tool outside of the property tax system. In the 2019 Legislative Session, Stucky joined Sen. Jane Nelson in passing a bill to give HOT Fund Authority to the City of Denton — Denton County does not have this authority, unlike other neighboring North Texas counties. The Hotel Occupancy Tax is included on every bill for stays at local hotels and the funds may be used to promote local tourism, convention centers, and historic preservation. House Bill 1034 would allow Wise County to collect 2 cents from every dollar spent at participating hotels in the county. The bill specifically highlights historic preservation as a primary use of those funds, with the additional authority granted within existing state law.


"I am honored to work with Judge Clark to support this bill for Wise County," Rep. Stucky said. "The City of Denton has used the funds to continue to support great facilities that draw more visitors, which in turn brings more money to local businesses. We want to see those same benefits for Wise County, which is becoming a model for responsible growth in Texas."


House Bill 1034 explicitly pertains to Wise County and does not affect neighboring counties. In addition to supporting the current efforts of restoring the county courthouse, Judge Clark also noted that HOT fund would be used to advertise Wise County events and hotels, preservation of other historic sites around the county, promote heritage tourism, critical improvements and expansion of the Wise County Fairgrounds and historic downtown areas where more and more visitors are arriving daily. The following organizations are publicly supporting this legislation:


  • Decatur Economic Development Corporation

  • Bridgeport Economic Development Corporation

  • Decatur Main Street

  • Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce

  • Wise County Historical Commission

  • Wise County Historical Society

  • Bridgeport Historical Society


"Counties need additional tools in the toolbox other than just relying on a property tax system. A HOT Fund would allow us to invest in our county, and bring more visitors. More visitors means more support for our local economies, which will allow us to improve local services," Judge Clark said.


The 88th Texas Legislature convenes on Tuesday, January 10th. The legislature will meet for 140 days to write and pass a budget and address other issues facing Texans. Rep. Stucky noted that his top priorities remain property tax relief, strengthening education and the career pipeline, and securing our southern border.




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